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News  »  Police Report February 2019

   Police Report February 2019    1 February, 2019


Immingham Habrough & Stallingborough Report for February



Of the 69 crimes recorded for January in the Immingham, Habrough and Stallingborough area of the NPT, there have been the following incidents:

Burglary Residential – 1

Overnight 5th & 6th January a home on Lydford Road was entered believed by use of a duplicate key. Car keys were stolen which were then used to steal the family car. This car was later involved in a collision.  


Burglary Commercial – 2

About 2am on 11th January the Gallery Café on Pelham Road was entered after smashing the front door glass. Nothing was stolen.

On 22nd January a female has entered the Chemist on Pelham Road. She has reached over the counter and stolen prescription drugs from behind the counter.


Vehicle Crime – 2

Overnight 14th & 15th January a car was taken by a family member from an address on Somerton Road. The vehicle was later involved in a collision. 

During the early hours of 25th January an attempt was made to steal fuel from a truck parked up in a layby on the A180. The thieves made off after they were disturbed by the driver.

A car which was involved in a collision on the A 180 was allegedly taken from outside its address at Alden Close after a party was held at the address.


Damage – 12

Washdyke Lane damage to panelling & shuttering at Jacks Store.

Pelham Hotel damage to windows. Offender has paid for the damage caused.

Pelham Road damage to shop window.

Pilgrim Avenue damage to front window.

Ashtree Close damage to front window.

Oakham Walk damage to window.

Highland Tarn damage to home interior by family member.

Clyfton Crescent damage to window.

Immingham Swimming Pool carpark damage to two vehicles.

Battery Street damage to car by drunk male kicking bodywork.

Riby Road damage caused to vehicle parked in the layby.

Waterworks Street damage to panels & canopy of shop. 


Shop Theft – 16

Evidence gathering into the named suspects for these offences is ongoing and these persons will be dealt with imminently. 


Other crime include:

A male has been arrested for possession of a prohibited weapon.

A cannabis grow was discovered at an address on Waterworks Street after reports of men fighting outside the address.

About 750 litres of red diesel was stolen from a storage tank at a premises on Stallingborough Industrial Estate.

Three make off without payment for fuel from local petrol stations.


ASB – 13

Five reports from the Civic Centre area.

Two neighbour disputes.

Two reports of YCA Sonja Crest.

Motorbikes being ridden illegally Chestnut Avenue.

YCA Princess Street.

Persons driving on farmland causing issues Killingholme Road, Habrough.

Kinloch Way YCA playing football.


How you can help

Your local Community Policing Team appreciates the importance of being in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons to reassure the public, improve public confidence and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area which we all live and work.

We encourage all residents to call and report any issues where they live so that we can deal with any issues and also step up our patrols in the area.

If you feel that there are issues within your community that the police should consider prioritising, then please speak to your local officers, town or parish councillors or through the One Voice committee.


The named officers for Immingham, Habrough and Stallingborough ward are:

PC 373 Matthew Stephenson matthew.stephenson@humnberside.pnn.police.uk

PCSO 7713 Diane Bell diane.bell@humberside.pnn.police.uk

PCSO 7724 Sarah Hoyle sarah.hoyle@humberside.pnn.police.uk

PCSO 7655 Marc Ireland marc.ireland@humberside.pnn.police.uk  

The number to call for non-emergency issues is 101

Immingham Police Hub Opening Hours

Monday                     Closed

Tuesday                    09.00 - 17.00

Wednesday            09.00 - 17.00

Thursday                  14.00 - 17.00

Friday                        09.00 – 16.30

Saturday                   CLOSED

Sunday                      CLOSED


Follow us on Twitter Immingham and Wolds @imminghamwolds                     












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